Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gockel Escape II

Gockel Escape IIGockel Escape IGockel Dune Revisited IIGockel Dune Renewed II
start of the shift, as always, one of the guards had earlier accessed the security system with a personal password. To Corky, the elaborate status display on the screen revealed, among many other things, that the house-perimeter alarm had been activated, making it impossible to enter Palazzo Rospo by window or door without triggering sirens.According to Ned Hokenberry, the three-eyed freak—now the [543] two-eyed freak, now the dead two-eyed freak—the perimeter alarm usually wasn’t engaged until eleven o’clock or even midnight. This evening they had rooms in the mansion. Neither was in two panic rooms in siege mode, engaging their locks by remote. They could no longer be opened using their hidden on-site lock releases. No one could take refuge in them.The house-perimeter alarm could be armed or disarmed simply by selecting from a YES-NO option. Currently the YES was lit on the screen. Corky used the mouse to click the NO.Now, with a door key, he could enter Palazzo Rospo as though it were closed up early.Corky wondered why.Perhaps they had been spooked by certain black boxes and the contents thereof.Delighted to have made them uneasy and yet still have slipped this far past their defenses, Corky began to sing the Grinch’s theme from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. The gas mask lent the tune a wonderfully spooky, even savage quality.Mick Sachatone, poor dead Mick in his Bart Simpson pajamas, had hacked the Manheim security system by linking to itoff-site armed-response company that maintained a 24/7 line to this room. He’d given Corky some rudimentary instruction in its operation.First, Corky checked the status of the two panic

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