Tuesday, November 13, 2007

One Moment in Time

One Moment in Time
precious time
Red Hat Girl
Red Nude painting
hasn't driven it fully away." He molded with his voice, tried to form the potentialreality with the strength of his belief. "That's why you could not destroy me.That's why you won't take me to your Emperor now." Vader seemed almost to smile through his mask at his son's use of Jedivoice-manipulation. He looked down at the lightsaber the captain had givenhim—Luke's lightsaber. So the boy was truly a Jedi now. A man grown. He heldthe lightsaber up. "You have constructed another." "This one is mine," Luke said quietly. "I no longer use yours." Vader ignited the blade, examined its humming brilliant light, like an admiringcraftsman. "Your skills are complete. Indeed, you are as powerful as the Emperorhas foreseen." They stood there for a moment, the lightsaber between them. Sparks dove inand out of the cutting edge: photons pushed to the brink by the energy pulsingbetween these two warriors. "Come with me, Father."


Anonymous said...

One Moment in Time"

Anonymous said...

One Moment in Time"

Anonymous said...

"One Moment in Time"

Anonymous said...

"One Moment in Time"