Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Vincent van Gogh Wheatfield under a Cloudy Sky

Vincent van Gogh Wheatfield under a Cloudy SkyClaude Monet Water Lilies 1903Claude Monet Bridge over a Pool of Water Lilies
crowd stoning a man to death in a pit. Ever seen that?"
"It has to be done," Brutha mumbled. "So the soul can be shriven and-'
"Don't know "Old 'Charcoal' Abraxas," said Didactylos, suddenly cheerful again. "Struck by lightning fifteen times so far, and still not giving up. You can borrow this one overnight if you want. No scribbling comments in the margins, mind you, unless they're interesting."
"This is it!" said Om. "Come on, let's leave this idiot."
Brutha unrolled the scroll. There weren't even any pictures. Crabbed writing fiIled it, line after line.
"He spent years researching it," said Didactylos. "Went out into the desert, talked to the small about the soul. Never been that kind of a philosopher," said Didactylos. "All I know is, it was a horrible sight.""The state of the body is not-”"Oh, I'm not talking about the poor bugger in the pit," said the philosopher. "I'm talking about the people throwing the stones. They were sure all right. They were sure it wasn't them in the pit. You could see it in their faces. So glad it wasn't them that they were throwing just as hard as they could."Urn hovered, looking uncertain."I've got Abraxas's On Religion," he said.

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