Monday, April 27, 2009

Paul Gauguin The Vision After the Sermon

Paul Gauguin The Vision After the SermonPaul Gauguin Spirit of the Dead WatchingPaul Gauguin Hail MaryHenri Matisse Woman with a Hat
shall expect you up at the house at eight o'clock, then,' she said. 'And don't look like that. It'll help you tremendously. You're far too good a man to spend his nights traipsing around dark wet streets. It's time you got on in the world.'
Vimes wanted to say that he liked traipsing around dark wet streets, but it would be no use. He didn't like it much. It was just what 'He got out of his pen last night.'
'A dragon?'
Vimes groaned, and pulled a cheap cigar out of his pocket. Swamp dragons were becoming a minor nuisance in the city. Lady Ramkin got very angry about it.
People would buy them when they were six inches he'd always done. He thought about his badge in the same way he thought about his nose. He didn't love it or hate it. It was just his badge.'So just you run along. It'll be terrific fun. Have you got a handkerchief?' Vimes panicked. 'What?' 'Give it to me.' She held it close to his mouth. 'Spit. . .' she commanded.She dabbed at a smudge on his cheek. One of the Interchangeable Emmas gave a giggle that was just audible. Lady Ramkin ignored it.'There,' she said. 'That's better. Now off you go and keep the streets safe for all of us. And if you want to do something really useful, you could find Chubby.''Chubby?'

1 comment:

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