Monday, March 9, 2009

Edward Hopper Cape Cod Morning

Edward Hopper Cape Cod MorningAmedeo Modigliani the Reclining NudeAlphonse Maria Mucha Summer
tube face of the librarian. He put his finger to his lips in an unmistakable gesture and tugged gently at her hand.
"I've killed him!" she whispered.
The librarian shook his head, and tugged insistently.
"Ook," he explained, "Ook."
He dragged her reluctantly down a side alley-way in the maze of ancient shelving a few seconds before a party of senior wizards, drawn by the noise, rounded the corner.
"The to see if they were right."
"You two, get him along to the infirmary. The rest of you better get these books rounded up. Where's the damn librarian? He ought to know better than to let a Critical Mass build up."
Esk glanced sideways at the orang-outan, who waggled his eyebrows at her. He pulled a dusty volume of out of the shelves beside him, extracted a soft brown banana from the recess behind it, and ate it with the quiet relish of one who knows that whatever the problems are, they belong firmly to human beings.books have been fighting again . . . ." "Oh, no! It'll take ages to capture all the spells again, you know they go and find places to hide . . . ." "Who's that on the floor?" There was a pause. "He's knocked out. A shelf caught him, by the looks of it." "Who is he?" "That new lad. You know; the one they say has got a whole head full of brains?" "If that shelf had been a bit closer we'd be able

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