Sunday, September 7, 2008

Edgar Degas paintings

Edgar Degas paintings
Emile Munier paintings
Edwin Lord Weeks paintings
virgin chastity, and he wondered (that is, pretended to wonder) whether the girl didn't flunk herself deliberately -- out of some hopeless love for her sister, say, or to set an instructive bad example.
I regarded Stoker sharply. "What a very curious idea. Like the Dean o' Flunks, you mean?"
"In black panties!" Stoker laughed. "Except when she doesn't wear any at all, to make Stacey look flunkèder."
"Foolishnish!" Leonid shouted, who had heard enough. "Stop this!"
But Stoker maintained with the same earnestness that his wife, for all her protestations of contempt for "Lacey's" misconduct, often took the blame for her errant twin -- whether out of love, or guilt for her own comfortable childhood, or some perverse envy, he wouldn't venture to say, though he inclined to the last hypothesis.
"Pass her heart!" Leonid cried, tearful himself now with compassion. "That Mrs. Anastasia, all the time takes blame! I love, George!"
I nodded approval. He shook his great fist then at Stoker. "Dog pig! And

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