Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Samson And Delilah

Samson And Delilah
seated nude
Spring Breeze
Sweet Nothings
cockpit of the Millennium Falcon. They softly lit Princess Leia's face as she sat inthe pilot's chair, thinking about Han. Deep in thought, she ran her hand along thecontrol panel in front of her. She knew something was churned up within her, butwasn't certain that she was willing to acknowledge it. And yet, could she deny it? Suddenly her attention was attracted by a flurry of movement outside the cockpitwindow. A dark shape, at first too swift and too shadowy to identify, streakedtoward the Millennium Falcon. In an instant it had attached itself to the ship's frontwindow with something that looked like a soft suction cup. Cautiously Leia movedforward for a closer look at the black smudgelike shape. As she peered out thewindow, a set of large yellow eyes suddenly popped open and stared right at her. Leia started in shock and stumbled backward into the pilot's seat. As she triedto compose herself, she heard the scurry of feet and an inhuman screech. Suddenlythe black shape and its yellow eyes disappeared into the darkness of the asteroid cave


Anonymous said...

Samson And Delilah"

Anonymous said...

Samson And Delilah"

Anonymous said...

"Samson And Delilah"

Anonymous said...

"Samson And Delilah"za