Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Regatta At Argenteuil

Regatta At Argenteuil
precious time
Red Hat Girl
Red Nude painting
Artoo gave vent to a longer, singsong series of toots and whistles. "They don't need us there," said Luke to the droid's question about the plannedRebel rendezvous. Artoo then gently beeped a reminder about Princess Leia's order. Exasperated,the young pilot exclaimed, "I'm countermanding that order! Now, be still." The little droid fell silent. Luke was, after all, a commander in the RebelAlliance and, as such, could countermand orders. He was making a few minoradjustments on the controls when Artoo chirped up again. "Yes, Artoo," sighed Luke. This time the droid made a series of soft noises, selecting each beep and whistlecarefully. He did not want to annoy Luke, but the findings on his computer wereimportant enough to report. "Yes, Artoo, I know the Dagobah system doesn't appear on any of ournavigational charts. But don't worry. It's there." Another worried beep from the R2 unit. "I'm very sure," the youth said, trying to reassure his mechanical companion."Trust me."


Anonymous said...

Regatta At Argenteuil"

Anonymous said...

Regatta At Argenteuil"

Anonymous said...

Regatta At Argenteuil"

Anonymous said...

"Regatta At Argenteuil"

Anonymous said...

My Sweet Rose painting"撒