Friday, November 23, 2007

red flower painting

red flower painting
flower vase painting
claude monet impressionism painting
impressionism monet painting
monet oil painting
Do you remember what we said to each other this morning about telling our faults?' he asked abruptly, finding that she still remained immovable. `We spoke lightly perhaps, and you may well have done so. But for me it was no light promise. I want to make a confession to you, Love.' ¡¡¡¡This, from him, so unexpectedly apposite, had the effect upon her of a Providential interposition. ¡¡¡¡`You have to confess something?' she said quickly, and even with gladness and relief. ¡¡¡¡`You did not expect it? Ah - you thought too highly of me. Now listen. Put your head there, because I want you to forgive me, and not to be indignant with me for not telling you before, as perhaps I ought to have done.' ¡¡¡¡How strange it was! He seemed to be her double. She did not speak, and Clare went on--


Anonymous said...

red flower painting"

Anonymous said...

red flower painting"

Anonymous said...

"red flower painting"

Anonymous said...

"red flower painting"

Anonymous said...

red flower painting"