Monday, November 5, 2007

Mother and Child

Mother and Child
My Sweet Rose painting
Naiade oil painting
Nighthawks Hopper
fired again, hitting it square on with the beam of his weapon. Then he heard ahigh-pitched whine coming from the deadly machine, and in an instant the ImperialProbe Droid burst into a billion or more flaming pieces. "…I'm afraid there's not much left,: Han said over the comlink as he concludedhis report to the underground base. Princess Leia and General Rieekan were still manning the console where theyhad maintained constant communication with Han. "What is it?" Leia asked. "Droid of some kind," he answered. "I didn't hit it that hard. It must have hada self-destruct." Leia paused as she considered this unwelcome piece of information. "AnImperial droid," she said, betraying some trepidation. "If it was," Han warned, "the Empire surely knows we're here." General Rieekan shook his head slowly. "We'd better start to evacuate theplanet."


Anonymous said...

"Mother and Child"

Anonymous said...

"Mother and Child"

Anonymous said...

Mother and Child"

Anonymous said...

"Mother and Child"是