Wednesday, November 14, 2007

modern landscape painting

flower landscape oil painting
mountain landscape painting
fine art oil painting
modern landscape painting
into it with relish. "Commander Jerjerrod, should the Rebel manage to blow up theshield generator, you will turned this battle station onto the Endor Moon and destroyit." "Yes, Your Highness," came the voice over the receiver, "but we have severalbattalions stationed on—" "You will destroy it!" the Emperor's whisper was more final than any scream. "Yes, Your Highness." Palpatine turned back to Luke—the former, shaking with glee; the latter, withoutrage. "There is no escape, my young pupil. The Alliance will die—as will yourfriends." Luke's face was contorted, reflecting his spirit. Vader watched him carefully, asdid the Emperor. The lightsaber began to shake on its resting place. The youngJedi's hand was trembling, his lips pulled back in grimace, his teeth grinding. The Emperor smiled. "Good. I can feel your anger. I am defenseless—take


Anonymous said...

modern landscape painting"

Anonymous said...

modern landscape painting"

Anonymous said...

modern landscape painting"

Anonymous said...

"modern landscape painting"

Anonymous said...

"modern landscape painting"