Sunday, November 11, 2007

modern flower painting

modern flower painting
lotus flower painting
flower field painting
flower painting rose vanishing point on the horizon of Luke's mind. And all these shadow boxes that lentsuch perspective to things…well, this lattice gave his life a certain darkness. Nothing of substance, of course—and in any case, some would have said thisshading gave a depth to his personality, where before it had been thin, withoutdimension—though such a suggestion probably would have come from jaded critics,reflecting a jaded time. Nonetheless, there was a certain darkness, now. There were other advantages to knowledge: rationality, etiquette, choice.Choice, of them all, was a true double-edged sword; but it did have its advantages. Furthermore he was skilled in the craft of the Jedi now, where before he'd beenmerely precocious. He was more aware now. These were all desirable attributes, to be sure; and Luke knew as well as anyonethat all things alive must grow. Still, it carried a certain sadness, the sum of all thisknowledge. A certain sense of regret. But who could afford to be a boy in timessuch as these?


Anonymous said...

modern flower painting"

Anonymous said...

modern flower painting"

Anonymous said...

modern flower painting"

Anonymous said...

"modern flower painting"

Anonymous said...

"modern flower painting"是