Thursday, November 1, 2007

leonardo da vinci self portrait

leonardo da vinci self portrait
Madonna Litta
madonna with the yarnwinder painting
Mother and Child
"You see, you can do it," Kenobi told him. "One can teach only so much.Now you must learn to admit the force when you want it, so that you can learn tocontrol it consciously." Moving to one side, Kenobi took a large helmet from behind a locker and walkedover to Luke. Placing the helmet over his head effectively eliminated the boy'svision. "I can't see," Luke muttered, turning around and forcing Kenobi to step back outof range of the dangerously wavering saber. "How can I fight?" "With the force," old Ben explained. "You didn't really 'see' the seeker whenyou parried its beam. Try to let that sensation flow within you again." "I can't do it," Luke moaned. "I'll get hit again." "Not if you let yourself trust you," Kenobi insisted, none too convincingly forLuke. "This is the only way to be certain you're replying wholly on the force." Noticing that the Corellian had turned to watch, Kenobi hesitated momentarily.It did Luke no good to have the self-assured pilot laugh every time a mistake wasmade. But coddling the boy would do him no good either, and there was no time forit anyway. Throw him in and hope he floats, Ben instructed himself firmly. Bending over the chrome globe, he touched a control at its side. Then he tossedit straight up. It arched toward Luke. Braking in midfall, the ball plummetedstone-like toward the deck. Luke swung the saber at it. While it was acommendable try, it wasn't nearly fast enough. Once again the little antenna glowed.This time the crimson needle hit Luke square on the seat of his pants. Though itwasn't an incapacitating below, it felt like one; and Luke let out a yelp of pain as hespun, trying to strike his invisible tormentor. "Relax!" old Ben urged him. "Be free. You're trying to use your eyes andears. Stop predicting and use the rest of your mind." Suddenly the youth stopped, waving slightly. The seeker was still behind him.Changing direction again, it made another dive and fired.


Anonymous said...

leonardo da vinci self portrait"

Anonymous said...

leonardo da vinci self portrait"

Anonymous said...

leonardo da vinci self portrait"

Anonymous said...

"leonardo da vinci self portrait"

Anonymous said...

leonardo da vinci self portrait"是