Sunday, November 11, 2007

klimt painting the kiss

klimt painting the kiss
leonardo da vinci self portrait
Madonna Litta
madonna with the yarnwinder painting
Artoo and Threepio marched dismally through the dank passageway at theprodding of a Gamorrean guard. Dungeon cells lined both walls. The unspeakablecries of anguish that emanated from within as the droids passed echoed off the stoneand down the endless catacombs. Periodically a hand or claw or tentacle wouldreach through the bars of a door to grab at the hapless robots. Artoo beeped pitifully. Threepio only shook his head. "What could havepossibly come over Master Luke? Was it something I did? He never expressed anyunhappiness with my work…" They approached a door at the end of the corridor. It slid open automatically,and the Gamorrean shoved them forward. Inside, their ears were assaulted bydeafening machine sounds—wheels creaking, piston-heads slamming, water-hammers,engine hums—and a continuously shifting haze of steam made visibility short. Thiswas either the boiler room, or programmed hell.


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"klimt painting the kiss"

Anonymous said...

"klimt painting the kiss"

Anonymous said...

"klimt painting the kiss"

Anonymous said...

klimt painting the kiss"

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