Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Greek Beauty

A Greek Beauty
A Lily Pond
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
American Day Dream
No!" screamed Luke. Vader was incredulous. "Sister? Sister!" he bellowed. "Your feelings havenow betrayed her, too…Twins!" he roared triumphantly. "Obi-wan was wise to hideher, but now his failure is complete." His smile was clear to Luke, through the mask,through the shadows, through all the realms of Darkness. "If you will not turned tothe Dark Side, perhaps she will." This, then, was Luke's breaking point. For Leia was everyone's last unflagginghope. If Vader turned his twisted, misguided cravings on her… "Never!" he screamed. His lightsaber flew off Vader's belt into his own hand,igniting as it came to him. He rushed to his father with a frenzy he'd never known. Nor had Vader. Thegladiators battled fiercely, sparks flying from the clash of their radiant weapons, but itwas soon evident that the advantage was all Luke's. And he was pressing it. Theylocked swords, body to body. When Luke pushed Vader back to break the clinch, the


Anonymous said...

A Greek Beauty"

Anonymous said...

A Greek Beauty"

Anonymous said...

A Greek Beauty"

Anonymous said...

"A Greek Beauty"

Anonymous said...

"A Greek Beauty"