famous painting flower
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flower garden painting
decorative flower painting
He was clad in the robe of the Jedi Knight—a cassock, really—but bore neithergun nor lightsaber. He stood loosely, without bravado, taking a measure of the placebefore entering. He was a man now. Wiser, like a man—older more from loss thanfrom years. Loss of illusions, loss of dependency. Loss of friends, to war. Lossof sleep, to stress. Loss of laughter. Loss of his hand. But of all his losses, the greatest was that which came from knowledge, and fromthe deep recognition that he could never un-know what he knew. So many things hewished he'd never learned. He had aged with the weight of this knowledge. Knowledge brought benefits, of course. He was less impulsive now.Manhood had given him perspective, a framework in which to fit the events of hislife—that is, a lattice of spatial and time coordinates spanning his existence, backearliest memories, ahead to a hundred alternative futures. A lattice of depths, andconundrums, and interstices, through which Luke could peer at any new event in hislife, peer at it with perspective. A lattice of shadows and corners, rolling back to the
famous painting flower"
famous painting flower"
"famous painting flower"
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"modern flower painting"撒
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