Wednesday, November 14, 2007

famous landscape painting

american landscape painting
english landscape painting
impressionist landscape painting
famous landscape painting
"Forward ships have made contact with the Imperial fleet, sir." "Concentrate your fire on their power generators. If we can knock out theirshields, our fighters might stand a chance against them." The ship was rocked by another explosion—a laserbolt hit to one of the aftgyrostabilizers. "Intensify auxiliary shields!" someone yelled. The pitch of the battle augmented another notch. Beyond the window of the throne room, the Rebel fleet was being decimated inthe soundless vacuum of space, while inside, the only sound was the Emperor'sthready cackle. Luke continued his spiral into desperation as the Death Star laserbeam incinerated ship after ship. The Emperor hissed. "Your fleet is lost—and your friends on the Endor Moonwill not survive…" He pushed a comlink button on the arm of his throne and spoke


Anonymous said...

famous landscape painting"

Anonymous said...

famous landscape painting"

Anonymous said...

"famous landscape painting"

Anonymous said...

"famous landscape painting"