Friday, November 30, 2007

art painting gallery

art painting gallery
art deco painting
pop art painting
art painting on canvas
taking a certain secret pride in myself. Fantastic as the situation was,- a landlubber second in command,- I was nevertheless carrying it off well; and during that brief time I was proud of myself, and I grew to love the heave and roll of the Ghost under my feet as she wallowed north and west through the tropic sea to the islet where we filled our water-casks. ¡¡¡¡But my happiness was not unalloyed. It was comparative, a period of less misery slipped in between a past of great miseries and a future of great miseries. For the Ghost, so far as the seamen were concerned, was a hell-ship of the worst description. They never had a moment's rest or peace. Wolf Larsen treasured against them the attempt on his life and the drubbing he had received in the forecastle, and morning, noon, and night, and all night as well, he devoted himself to making life unlivable for them.


Anonymous said...

art painting gallery"

Anonymous said...

art painting gallery"

Anonymous said...

"art painting gallery"

Anonymous said...

"art painting gallery"

Anonymous said...

art painting gallery"