Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sweet Nothings

Sweet Nothings
The Abduction of Psyche
The British Are Coming
The Broken Pitcher
"Yes, I think that's got it," Kenobi murmured contemplatively. The image continued to flicker, indicating a tape hastily prepared. But it wasmuch sharper, better defined now, Luke noted with admiration. One thing wasapparent: Kenobi was skilled in subjects more specific than desert scavenging. "General Obi-wan Kenobi," the mellifluous voice was saying, "I present myselfin the name of the world family of Alderaan and of the Alliance to Restore theRepublic. I break your solitude at the bidding of my father, Bail Organa, Viceroyand First Chairman of the Alderaan system." Kenobi absorbed this extraordinary declamation while Luke's eyes bugged bigenough to fall from his face. "Years ago, General," the voice continued, "you served the Old Republic in theClone Wars. Now my father begs you to aid us again in our most desperate hour.He would have you join him on Alderaan. You must go to him. "I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person. Mymission to meet personally with you has failed. Hence I have been forced to resortto this secondary method of communication. "Information vital to the survival of the Alliance has been secured in the mind ofthis Detoo 'droid. My father will know how to retrieve it. I plead with you to seethis unit safely delivered to Alderaan." She paused, and when she continued, her words were hurried and less laced withformality. "You must help me, Obi-wan Kenobi. You are my last hope. I will becaptured by agents of the Empire. They will learn nothing from me. Everything tobe learned lies locked in the memory cells of this 'droid. Do not fail us, Obi-wanKenobi. Do not fail me." A small cloud of tridimensional static replaced the delicate portrait, and then itvanished entirely. Artoo Detoo gazed up expectantly at Kenobi.


Anonymous said...

Sweet Nothings

Anonymous said...

Regatta At Argenteuil"

Anonymous said...

Regatta At Argenteuil"

Anonymous said...

"Sweet Nothings"

Anonymous said...

"Sweet Nothings"