Monday, October 29, 2007

Hylas and the Nymphs

Hylas and the Nymphs
jesus christ on the cross
klimt painting the kiss
leonardo da vinci self portrait
Did you hear that?" he inquired rhetorically of his patient companion, referringto the throbbing sound. "They've shut down the main reactor and the drive." Hisvoice was as full of disbelief and concern as that of any human. One metallic palmrubbed dolefully at a patch of dull gray on his side, where a broken hull brace hadfallen and scored the bronze finish. Threepio was a fastidious machine, and suchthings troubled him. "Madness, this is madness." He shook his head slowly. "This time we'll bedestroyed for sure." Artoo did not comment immediately. Barrel torso tilted backward, powerfullegs gripping the deck; the meter-high robot was engrossed in studying the roofoverhead. Though he did not have a head to cock in a listening posture like hisfriend, Artoo still somehow managed to convey that impression. A series of shortbeeps and chirps issued from his speaker. To even a sensitive human ear they wouldhave been just so much static, but to Threepio they formed words as clear and pure asdirect current. "Yes, I suppose they did have to shut the drive down," Threepio admitted, "butwhat are we going to do now? We can't enter atmosphere with our main stablizer findestroyed. I can't believe we're simply going to surrender."


Anonymous said...

Hylas and the Nymphs

Anonymous said...

Hylas and the Nymphs"

Anonymous said...

Hylas and the Nymphs"

Anonymous said...

"Hylas and the Nymphs"

Art Express said...

onymous said...
"Hylas and the Nymphs"

November 14, 2007 6:47 PM